uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange クラス


def __init__ (self, textRange=None)
bool AddToSelection (self, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
'TextRangeClone (self)
bool Compare (self, 'TextRange' textRange)
int CompareEndpoints (self, int srcEndPoint, 'TextRange' textRange, int targetEndPoint)
bool ExpandToEnclosingUnit (self, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
'TextRangeFindAttribute (self, int textAttributeId, val, bool backward)
'TextRangeFindText (self, str text, bool backward, bool ignoreCase)
ctypes.POINTER(comtypes.IUnknown) GetAttributeValue (self, int textAttributeId)
List[RectGetBoundingRectangles (self)
List[ 'Control'] GetChildren (self)
'ControlGetEnclosingControl (self)
str GetText (self, int maxLength=-1)
int Move (self, int unit, int count, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
bool MoveEndpointByRange (self, int srcEndPoint, 'TextRange' textRange, int targetEndPoint, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
int MoveEndpointByUnit (self, int endPoint, int unit, int count, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
bool RemoveFromSelection (self, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
bool ScrollIntoView (self, bool alignTop=True, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
bool Select (self, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)




◆ __init__()

def uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.__init__ (   self,
  textRange = None 
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nn-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange


◆ AddToSelection()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.AddToSelection (   self,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::AddToSelection.
Add the text range to the collection of selected text ranges in a control that supports multiple, disjoint spans of selected text.
waitTime: float.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-addtoselection

◆ Clone()

'TextRange' uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.Clone (   self)
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::Clone.
return `TextRange`, identical to the original and inheriting all properties of the original.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-clone

◆ Compare()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.Compare (   self,
'TextRange textRange 
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::Compare.
textRange: `TextRange`.
Return bool, specifies whether this text range has the same endpoints as another text range.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-compare

◆ CompareEndpoints()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.CompareEndpoints (   self,
int  srcEndPoint,
'TextRange textRange,
int  targetEndPoint 
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::CompareEndpoints.
srcEndPoint: int, a value in class `TextPatternRangeEndpoint`.
textRange: `TextRange`.
targetEndPoint: int, a value in class `TextPatternRangeEndpoint`.
Return int, a negative value if the caller's endpoint occurs earlier in the text than the target endpoint;
            0 if the caller's endpoint is at the same location as the target endpoint;
            or a positive value if the caller's endpoint occurs later in the text than the target endpoint.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-compareendpoints

◆ ExpandToEnclosingUnit()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.ExpandToEnclosingUnit (   self,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::ExpandToEnclosingUnit.
Normalize the text range by the specified text unit.
    The range is expanded if it is smaller than the specified unit,
    or shortened if it is longer than the specified unit.
waitTime: float.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-expandtoenclosingunit

◆ FindAttribute()

'TextRange' uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.FindAttribute (   self,
int  textAttributeId,
bool  backward 
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::FindAttribute.
textAttributeID: int, a value in class `TextAttributeId`.
val: COM VARIANT according to textAttributeId? todo.
backward: bool, True if the last occurring text range should be returned instead of the first; otherwise False.
return `TextRange` or None, a text range subset that has the specified text attribute value.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-findattribute

◆ FindText()

'TextRange' uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.FindText (   self,
str  text,
bool  backward,
bool  ignoreCase 
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::FindText.
text: str,
backward: bool, True if the last occurring text range should be returned instead of the first; otherwise False.
ignoreCase: bool, True if case should be ignored; otherwise False.
return `TextRange` or None, a text range subset that contains the specified text.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-findtext

◆ GetAttributeValue()

ctypes.POINTER(comtypes.IUnknown) uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.GetAttributeValue (   self,
int  textAttributeId 
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::GetAttributeValue.
textAttributeId: int, a value in class `TextAttributeId`.
Return `ctypes.POINTER(comtypes.IUnknown)` or None, the value of the specified text attribute across the entire text range, todo.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-getattributevalue

◆ GetBoundingRectangles()

List[Rect] uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.GetBoundingRectangles (   self)
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::GetBoundingRectangles.
textAttributeId: int, a value in class `TextAttributeId`.
Return List[Rect], a list of `Rect`.
    bounding rectangles for each fully or partially visible line of text in a text range..
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-getboundingrectangles

for rect in textRange.GetBoundingRectangles():
    print(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, rect.width(), rect.height(), rect.xcenter(), rect.ycenter())

◆ GetChildren()

List['Control'] uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.GetChildren (   self)
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::GetChildren.
textAttributeId: int, a value in class `TextAttributeId`.
Return List[Control], a list of `Control` subclasses, embedded objects that fall within the text range..
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-getchildren

◆ GetEnclosingControl()

'Control' uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.GetEnclosingControl (   self)
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::GetEnclosingElement.
Return `Control` subclass, the innermost UI Automation element that encloses the text range.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-getenclosingelement

◆ GetText()

str uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.GetText (   self,
int   maxLength = -1 
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::GetText.
maxLength: int, the maximum length of the string to return, or -1 if no limit is required.
Return str, the plain text of the text range.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-gettext

◆ Move()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.Move (   self,
int  unit,
int  count,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::Move.
Move the text range forward or backward by the specified number of text units.
unit: int, a value in class `TextUnit`.
count: int, the number of text units to move.
       A positive value moves the text range forward.
       A negative value moves the text range backward. Zero has no effect.
waitTime: float.
Return: int, the number of text units actually moved.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-move

◆ MoveEndpointByRange()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.MoveEndpointByRange (   self,
int  srcEndPoint,
'TextRange textRange,
int  targetEndPoint,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::MoveEndpointByRange.
Move one endpoint of the current text range to the specified endpoint of a second text range.
srcEndPoint: int, a value in class `TextPatternRangeEndpoint`.
textRange: `TextRange`.
targetEndPoint: int, a value in class `TextPatternRangeEndpoint`.
waitTime: float.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-moveendpointbyrange

◆ MoveEndpointByUnit()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.MoveEndpointByUnit (   self,
int  endPoint,
int  unit,
int  count,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::MoveEndpointByUnit.
Move one endpoint of the text range the specified number of text units within the document range.
endPoint: int, a value in class `TextPatternRangeEndpoint`.
unit: int, a value in class `TextUnit`.
count: int, the number of units to move.
            A positive count moves the endpoint forward.
            A negative count moves backward.
            A count of 0 has no effect.
waitTime: float.
Return int, the count of units actually moved.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-moveendpointbyunit

◆ RemoveFromSelection()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.RemoveFromSelection (   self,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::RemoveFromSelection.
Remove the text range from an existing collection of selected text in a text container that supports multiple, disjoint selections.
waitTime: float.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-removefromselection

◆ ScrollIntoView()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.ScrollIntoView (   self,
bool   alignTop = True,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::ScrollIntoView.
Cause the text control to scroll until the text range is visible in the viewport.
alignTop: bool, True if the text control should be scrolled so that the text range is flush with the top of the viewport;
                False if it should be flush with the bottom of the viewport.
waitTime: float.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-scrollintoview

◆ Select()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.TextRange.Select (   self,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Call IUIAutomationTextRange::Select.
Select the span of text that corresponds to this text range, and remove any previous selection.
waitTime: float.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.
Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-select


◆ textRange

