uiautomation.uiautomation 名前空間


class  _AutomationClient
class  _DllClient
class  ControlType
class  PatternId
class  PropertyId
class  AccessibleRole
class  AccessibleState
class  AccessibleSelection
class  AnnotationType
class  NavigateDirection
class  DockPosition
class  ScrollAmount
class  StyleId
class  RowOrColumnMajor
class  ExpandCollapseState
class  OrientationType
class  ToggleState
class  TextPatternRangeEndpoint
class  TextAttributeId
class  TextUnit
class  ZoomUnit
class  WindowInteractionState
class  WindowVisualState
class  ConsoleColor
class  GAFlag
class  MouseEventFlag
class  KeyboardEventFlag
class  InputType
class  ModifierKey
class  SW
class  SWP
class  MB
class  GWL
class  ProcessDpiAwareness
class  DpiAwarenessContext
class  Keys
class  ConsoleScreenBufferInfo
class  _INPUTUnion
class  INPUT
class  Rect
class  Logger
class  Bitmap
class  AnnotationPattern
class  CustomNavigationPattern
class  DockPattern
class  DragPattern
class  DropTargetPattern
class  ExpandCollapsePattern
class  GridItemPattern
class  GridPattern
class  InvokePattern
class  ItemContainerPattern
class  LegacyIAccessiblePattern
class  MultipleViewPattern
class  ObjectModelPattern
class  RangeValuePattern
class  ScrollItemPattern
class  ScrollPattern
class  SelectionItemPattern
class  SelectionPattern
class  SpreadsheetItemPattern
class  SpreadsheetPattern
class  StylesPattern
class  SynchronizedInputPattern
class  TableItemPattern
class  TablePattern
class  TextRange
class  TextChildPattern
class  TextEditPattern
class  TextPattern
class  TextPattern2
class  TogglePattern
class  TransformPattern
class  TransformPattern2
class  ValuePattern
class  VirtualizedItemPattern
class  WindowPattern
class  Control
class  AppBarControl
class  ButtonControl
class  CalendarControl
class  CheckBoxControl
class  ComboBoxControl
class  CustomControl
class  DataGridControl
class  DataItemControl
class  DocumentControl
class  EditControl
class  GroupControl
class  HeaderControl
class  HeaderItemControl
class  HyperlinkControl
class  ImageControl
class  ListControl
class  ListItemControl
class  MenuControl
class  MenuBarControl
class  MenuItemControl
class  TopLevel
class  PaneControl
class  ProgressBarControl
class  RadioButtonControl
class  ScrollBarControl
class  SemanticZoomControl
class  SeparatorControl
class  SliderControl
class  SpinnerControl
class  SplitButtonControl
class  StatusBarControl
class  TabControl
class  TabItemControl
class  TableControl
class  TextControl
class  ThumbControl
class  TitleBarControl
class  ToolBarControl
class  ToolTipControl
class  TreeControl
class  TreeItemControl
class  WindowControl
class  UIAutomationInitializerInThread


str GetClipboardText ()
bool SetClipboardText (str text)
bool SetConsoleColor (int color)
bool ResetConsoleColor ()
int WindowFromPoint (int x, int y)
Tuple[int, int] GetCursorPos ()
bool SetCursorPos (int x, int y)
int GetDoubleClickTime ()
None mouse_event (int dwFlags, int dx, int dy, int dwData, int dwExtraInfo)
None keybd_event (int bVk, int bScan, int dwFlags, int dwExtraInfo)
bool PostMessage (int handle, int msg, int wParam, int lParam)
int SendMessage (int handle, int msg, int wParam, int lParam)
None Click (int x, int y, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None MiddleClick (int x, int y, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None RightClick (int x, int y, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None PressMouse (int x, int y, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None ReleaseMouse (float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None RightPressMouse (int x, int y, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None RightReleaseMouse (float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None MiddlePressMouse (int x, int y, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None MiddleReleaseMouse (float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None MoveTo (int x, int y, float moveSpeed=1, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None DragDrop (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float moveSpeed=1, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None RightDragDrop (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float moveSpeed=1, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None MiddleDragDrop (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float moveSpeed=1, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None WheelDown (int wheelTimes=1, float interval=0.05, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None WheelUp (int wheelTimes=1, float interval=0.05, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
int SetDpiAwareness (bool dpiAwarenessPerMonitor=True)
Tuple[int, int] GetScreenSize (bool dpiAwarenessPerMonitor=True)
Tuple[int, int] GetVirtualScreenSize (bool dpiAwarenessPerMonitor=True)
List[RectGetMonitorsRect (bool dpiAwarenessPerMonitor=False)
int GetPixelColor (int x, int y, int handle=0)
int MessageBox (str content, str title, int flags=MB.Ok)
bool SetForegroundWindow (int handle)
bool BringWindowToTop (int handle)
None SwitchToThisWindow (int handle)
int GetAncestor (int handle, int flag)
bool IsTopLevelWindow (int handle)
int GetWindowLong (int handle, int index)
int SetWindowLong (int handle, int index, int value)
bool IsIconic (int handle)
bool IsZoomed (int handle)
bool IsWindowVisible (int handle)
bool ShowWindow (int handle, int cmdShow)
bool MoveWindow (int handle, int x, int y, int width, int height, int repaint=1)
bool SetWindowPos (int handle, int hWndInsertAfter, int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags)
bool SetWindowTopmost (int handle, bool isTopmost)
str GetWindowText (int handle)
bool SetWindowText (int handle, str text)
str GetEditText (int handle)
str GetConsoleOriginalTitle ()
str GetConsoleTitle ()
bool SetConsoleTitle (str text)
int GetForegroundWindow ()
bool IsDesktopLocked ()
bool PlayWaveFile (str filePath=r 'C:\Windows\Media\notify.wav', bool isAsync=False, bool isLoop=False)
bool IsProcess64Bit (int processId)
bool IsUserAnAdmin ()
bool RunScriptAsAdmin (List[str] argv, str workingDirectory=None, int showFlag=SW.ShowNormal)
None SendKey (int key, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None PressKey (int key, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
None ReleaseKey (int key, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
bool IsKeyPressed (int key)
INPUT MouseInput (int dx, int dy, int mouseData=0, int dwFlags=MouseEventFlag.LeftDown, int time_=0)
INPUT KeyboardInput (int wVk, int wScan, int dwFlags=KeyboardEventFlag.KeyDown, int time_=0)
INPUT HardwareInput (int uMsg, int param=0)
int SendInput (*inputs)
int SendUnicodeChar (str char, bool charMode=True)
None SendKeys (str text, float interval=0.01, float waitTime=OPERATION_WAIT_TIME, bool charMode=True, bool debug=False)
def GetPatternIdInterface (int patternId)
def CreatePattern (int patternId, ctypes.POINTER(comtypes.IUnknown) pattern)
None InitializeUIAutomationInCurrentThread ()
None UninitializeUIAutomationInCurrentThread ()
None SetGlobalSearchTimeout (float seconds)
bool WaitForExist (Control control, float timeout)
bool WaitForDisappear (Control control, float timeout)
def WalkTree (top, Callable[[TreeNode], List[TreeNode]] getChildren=None, Callable[[TreeNode], TreeNode] getFirstChild=None, Callable[[TreeNode], TreeNode] getNextSibling=None, Callable[[TreeNode, int], bool] yieldCondition=None, bool includeTop=False, int maxDepth=0xFFFFFFFF)
PaneControl GetRootControl ()
Control GetFocusedControl ()
Control GetForegroundControl ()
WindowControl GetConsoleWindow ()
Control ControlFromPoint (int x, int y)
Control ControlFromPoint2 (int x, int y)
Control ControlFromCursor ()
Control ControlFromCursor2 ()
Control ControlFromHandle (int handle)
bool ControlsAreSame (Control control1, Control control2)
def WalkControl (Control control, bool includeTop=False, int maxDepth=0xFFFFFFFF)
None LogControl (Control control, int depth=0, bool showAllName=True, bool showPid=False)
None EnumAndLogControl (Control control, int maxDepth=0xFFFFFFFF, bool showAllName=True, bool showPid=False, int startDepth=0)
None EnumAndLogControlAncestors (Control control, bool showAllName=True, bool showPid=False)
Control FindControl (Control control, Callable[[Control, int], bool] compare, int maxDepth=0xFFFFFFFF, bool findFromSelf=False, int foundIndex=1)
None ShowDesktop (float waitTime=1)
None WaitHotKeyReleased (Tuple[int, int] hotkey)
None RunByHotKey (Dict[Tuple[int, int], Callable] keyFunctions, Tuple[int, int] stopHotKey=None, Tuple[int, int] exitHotKey=(ModifierKey.Control, Keys.VK_D), bool waitHotKeyReleased=True)


 TreeNode = Any
string AUTHOR_MAIL = 'yinkaisheng@live.com'
string METRO_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME = 'Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow'
int MAX_PATH = 260
int S_OK = 0
int IsNT6orHigher = 6
 ProcessTime = time.perf_counter
dictionary ControlTypeNames
dictionary PatternIdNames
dictionary PropertyIdNames
dictionary SpecialKeyNames
dictionary CharacterCodes
dictionary PatternConstructors
dictionary ControlConstructors
 c = ctor()
 notepad = WindowControl(searchDepth=1, ClassName='Notepad')
 lp = notepad.GetLegacyIAccessiblePattern()
 value = notepad.GetPropertyValue(k)
 children = notepad.GetChildren()
string hello = '{Ctrl}{End}{Enter}Hello World! 你好世界!'


◆ BringWindowToTop()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.BringWindowToTop ( int  handle)
BringWindowToTop from Win32.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.

◆ Click()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.Click ( int  x,
int  y,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Simulate mouse click at point x, y.
x: int.
y: int.
waitTime: float.

◆ ControlFromCursor()

Control uiautomation.uiautomation.ControlFromCursor ( )
Call ControlFromPoint with current cursor point.
Return `Control` subclass.

◆ ControlFromCursor2()

Control uiautomation.uiautomation.ControlFromCursor2 ( )
Call ControlFromPoint2 with current cursor point.
Return `Control` subclass.

◆ ControlFromHandle()

Control uiautomation.uiautomation.ControlFromHandle ( int  handle)
Call IUIAutomation.ElementFromHandle with a native handle.
handle: int, a native window handle.
Return `Control` subclass or None.

◆ ControlFromPoint()

Control uiautomation.uiautomation.ControlFromPoint ( int  x,
int  y 
Call IUIAutomation ElementFromPoint x,y. May return None if mouse is over cmd's title bar icon.
Return `Control` subclass or None.

◆ ControlFromPoint2()

Control uiautomation.uiautomation.ControlFromPoint2 ( int  x,
int  y 
Get a native handle from point x,y and call IUIAutomation.ElementFromHandle.
Return `Control` subclass.

◆ ControlsAreSame()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.ControlsAreSame ( Control  control1,
Control  control2 
control1: `Control` or its subclass.
control2: `Control` or its subclass.
Return bool, True if control1 and control2 represent the same control otherwise False.

◆ CreatePattern()

def uiautomation.uiautomation.CreatePattern ( int  patternId,
ctypes.POINTER(comtypes.IUnknown)  pattern 
Create a concreate pattern by pattern id and pattern(POINTER(IUnknown)).

◆ DragDrop()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.DragDrop ( int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2,
float   moveSpeed = 1,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Simulate mouse left button drag from point x1, y1 drop to point x2, y2.
x1: int.
y1: int.
x2: int.
y2: int.
moveSpeed: float, 1 normal speed, < 1 move slower, > 1 move faster.
waitTime: float.

◆ EnumAndLogControl()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.EnumAndLogControl ( Control  control,
int   maxDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF,
bool   showAllName = True,
bool   showPid = False,
int   startDepth = 0 
Print and log control and its descendants' propertyies.
control: `Control` or its subclass.
maxDepth: int, enum depth.
showAllName: bool, if False, print the first 30 characters of control.Name.
startDepth: int, control's current depth.

◆ EnumAndLogControlAncestors()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.EnumAndLogControlAncestors ( Control  control,
bool   showAllName = True,
bool   showPid = False 
Print and log control and its ancestors' propertyies.
control: `Control` or its subclass.
showAllName: bool, if False, print the first 30 characters of control.Name.

◆ FindControl()

Control uiautomation.uiautomation.FindControl ( Control  control,
Callable[[Control, int], bool]  compare,
int   maxDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF,
bool   findFromSelf = False,
int   foundIndex = 1 
control: `Control` or its subclass.
compare: Callable[[Control, int], bool], function(control: Control, depth: int) -> bool.
maxDepth: int, enum depth.
findFromSelf: bool, if False, do not compare self.
foundIndex: int, starts with 1, >= 1.
Return `Control` subclass or None if not find.

◆ GetAncestor()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.GetAncestor ( int  handle,
int  flag 
GetAncestor from Win32.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
index: int, a value in class `GAFlag`.
Return int, a native window handle.

◆ GetClipboardText()

str uiautomation.uiautomation.GetClipboardText ( )

◆ GetConsoleOriginalTitle()

str uiautomation.uiautomation.GetConsoleOriginalTitle ( )
GetConsoleOriginalTitle from Win32.
Return str.
Only available on Windows Vista or higher.

◆ GetConsoleTitle()

str uiautomation.uiautomation.GetConsoleTitle ( )
GetConsoleTitle from Win32.
Return str.

◆ GetConsoleWindow()

WindowControl uiautomation.uiautomation.GetConsoleWindow ( )
Return `WindowControl` or None, a console window that runs python.

◆ GetCursorPos()

Tuple[int, int] uiautomation.uiautomation.GetCursorPos ( )
GetCursorPos from Win32.
Get current mouse cursor positon.
Return Tuple[int, int], two ints tuple (x, y).

◆ GetDoubleClickTime()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.GetDoubleClickTime ( )
GetDoubleClickTime from Win32.
Return int, in milliseconds.

◆ GetEditText()

str uiautomation.uiautomation.GetEditText ( int  handle)
Get text of a native Win32 Edit.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
Return str.

◆ GetFocusedControl()

Control uiautomation.uiautomation.GetFocusedControl ( )
Return `Control` subclass.

◆ GetForegroundControl()

Control uiautomation.uiautomation.GetForegroundControl ( )
Return `Control` subclass.

◆ GetForegroundWindow()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.GetForegroundWindow ( )
GetForegroundWindow from Win32.
Return int, the native handle of the foreground window.

◆ GetMonitorsRect()

List[Rect] uiautomation.uiautomation.GetMonitorsRect ( bool   dpiAwarenessPerMonitor = False)
Get monitors' rect.
dpiAwarenessPerMonitor: bool.
Return List[Rect].

◆ GetPatternIdInterface()

def uiautomation.uiautomation.GetPatternIdInterface ( int  patternId)
Get pattern COM interface by pattern id.
patternId: int, a value in class `PatternId`.
Return comtypes._cominterface_meta.

◆ GetPixelColor()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.GetPixelColor ( int  x,
int  y,
int   handle = 0 
Get pixel color of a native window.
x: int.
y: int.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
Return int, the bgr value of point (x,y).
r = bgr & 0x0000FF
g = (bgr & 0x00FF00) >> 8
b = (bgr & 0xFF0000) >> 16
If handle is 0, get pixel from Desktop window(root control).
Not all devices support GetPixel.
An application should call GetDeviceCaps to determine whether a specified device supports this function.
For example, console window doesn't support.

◆ GetRootControl()

PaneControl uiautomation.uiautomation.GetRootControl ( )
Get root control, the Desktop window.
Return `PaneControl`.

◆ GetScreenSize()

Tuple[int, int] uiautomation.uiautomation.GetScreenSize ( bool   dpiAwarenessPerMonitor = True)
dpiAwarenessPerMonitor: bool.
Return Tuple[int, int], two ints tuple (width, height).

◆ GetVirtualScreenSize()

Tuple[int, int] uiautomation.uiautomation.GetVirtualScreenSize ( bool   dpiAwarenessPerMonitor = True)
dpiAwarenessPerMonitor: bool.
Return Tuple[int, int], two ints tuple (width, height).

◆ GetWindowLong()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.GetWindowLong ( int  handle,
int  index 
GetWindowLong from Win32.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
index: int.

◆ GetWindowText()

str uiautomation.uiautomation.GetWindowText ( int  handle)
GetWindowText from Win32.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
Return str.

◆ HardwareInput()

INPUT uiautomation.uiautomation.HardwareInput ( int  uMsg,
int   param = 0 
Create Win32 struct `HARDWAREINPUT` for `SendInput`.

◆ InitializeUIAutomationInCurrentThread()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.InitializeUIAutomationInCurrentThread ( )
Initialize UIAutomation in a new thread.
If you want to use functionalities related to Controls and Patterns in a new thread.
You must call this function first in the new thread.
But you can't use use a Control or a Pattern created in a different thread.
So you can't create a Control or a Pattern in main thread and then pass it to a new thread and use it.

◆ IsDesktopLocked()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.IsDesktopLocked ( )
Check if desktop is locked.
Return bool.
Desktop is locked if press Win+L, Ctrl+Alt+Del or in remote desktop mode.

◆ IsIconic()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.IsIconic ( int  handle)
IsIconic from Win32.
Determine whether a native window is minimized.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
Return bool.

◆ IsKeyPressed()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.IsKeyPressed ( int  key)
key: int, a value in class `Keys`.
Return bool.

◆ IsProcess64Bit()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.IsProcess64Bit ( int  processId)
Return True if process is 64 bit.
Return False if process is 32 bit.
Return None if unknown, maybe caused by having no acess right to the process.

◆ IsTopLevelWindow()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.IsTopLevelWindow ( int  handle)
IsTopLevelWindow from Win32.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
Return bool.
Only available on Windows 7 or Higher.

◆ IsUserAnAdmin()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.IsUserAnAdmin ( )
IsUserAnAdmin from Win32.
Return bool.
Minimum supported OS: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003

◆ IsWindowVisible()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.IsWindowVisible ( int  handle)
IsWindowVisible from Win32.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
Return bool.

◆ IsZoomed()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.IsZoomed ( int  handle)
IsZoomed from Win32.
Determine whether a native window is maximized.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
Return bool.

◆ keybd_event()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.keybd_event ( int  bVk,
int  bScan,
int  dwFlags,
int  dwExtraInfo 
keybd_event from Win32.

◆ KeyboardInput()

INPUT uiautomation.uiautomation.KeyboardInput ( int  wVk,
int  wScan,
int   dwFlags = KeyboardEventFlag.KeyDown,
int   time_ = 0 
Create Win32 struct `KEYBDINPUT` for `SendInput`.

◆ LogControl()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.LogControl ( Control  control,
int   depth = 0,
bool   showAllName = True,
bool   showPid = False 
Print and log control's properties.
control: `Control` or its subclass.
depth: int, current depth.
showAllName: bool, if False, print the first 30 characters of control.Name.

◆ MessageBox()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.MessageBox ( str  content,
str  title,
int   flags = MB.Ok 
MessageBox from Win32.
content: str.
title: str.
flags: int, a value or some combined values in class `MB`.
Return int, a value in MB whose name starts with Id, such as MB.IdOk

◆ MiddleClick()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.MiddleClick ( int  x,
int  y,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Simulate mouse middle click at point x, y.
x: int.
y: int.
waitTime: float.

◆ MiddleDragDrop()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.MiddleDragDrop ( int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2,
float   moveSpeed = 1,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Simulate mouse middle button drag from point x1, y1 drop to point x2, y2.
x1: int.
y1: int.
x2: int.
y2: int.
moveSpeed: float, 1 normal speed, < 1 move slower, > 1 move faster.
waitTime: float.

◆ MiddlePressMouse()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.MiddlePressMouse ( int  x,
int  y,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Press middle mouse.
x: int.
y: int.
waitTime: float.

◆ MiddleReleaseMouse()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.MiddleReleaseMouse ( float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
Release middle mouse.
waitTime: float.

◆ mouse_event()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.mouse_event ( int  dwFlags,
int  dx,
int  dy,
int  dwData,
int  dwExtraInfo 
mouse_event from Win32.

◆ MouseInput()

INPUT uiautomation.uiautomation.MouseInput ( int  dx,
int  dy,
int   mouseData = 0,
int   dwFlags = MouseEventFlag.LeftDown,
int   time_ = 0 
Create Win32 struct `MOUSEINPUT` for `SendInput`.
Return `INPUT`.

◆ MoveTo()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.MoveTo ( int  x,
int  y,
float   moveSpeed = 1,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Simulate mouse move to point x, y from current cursor.
x: int.
y: int.
moveSpeed: float, 1 normal speed, < 1 move slower, > 1 move faster.
waitTime: float.

◆ MoveWindow()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.MoveWindow ( int  handle,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
int   repaint = 1 
MoveWindow from Win32.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
x: int.
y: int.
width: int.
height: int.
repaint: int, use 1 or 0.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.

◆ PlayWaveFile()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.PlayWaveFile ( str   filePath = r'C:\Windows\Media\notify.wav',
bool   isAsync = False,
bool   isLoop = False 
Call PlaySound from Win32.
filePath: str, if emtpy, stop playing the current sound.
isAsync: bool, if True, the sound is played asynchronously and returns immediately.
isLoop: bool, if True, the sound plays repeatedly until PlayWaveFile(None) is called again, must also set isAsync to True.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.

◆ PostMessage()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.PostMessage ( int  handle,
int  msg,
int  wParam,
int  lParam 
PostMessage from Win32.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.

◆ PressKey()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.PressKey ( int  key,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Simulate a key down for key.
key: int, a value in class `Keys`.
waitTime: float.

◆ PressMouse()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.PressMouse ( int  x,
int  y,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Press left mouse.
x: int.
y: int.
waitTime: float.

◆ ReleaseKey()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.ReleaseKey ( int  key,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Simulate a key up for key.
key: int, a value in class `Keys`.
waitTime: float.

◆ ReleaseMouse()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.ReleaseMouse ( float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
Release left mouse.
waitTime: float.

◆ ResetConsoleColor()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.ResetConsoleColor ( )
Reset to the default text color on console window.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.

◆ RightClick()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.RightClick ( int  x,
int  y,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Simulate mouse right click at point x, y.
x: int.
y: int.
waitTime: float.

◆ RightDragDrop()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.RightDragDrop ( int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2,
float   moveSpeed = 1,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Simulate mouse right button drag from point x1, y1 drop to point x2, y2.
x1: int.
y1: int.
x2: int.
y2: int.
moveSpeed: float, 1 normal speed, < 1 move slower, > 1 move faster.
waitTime: float.

◆ RightPressMouse()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.RightPressMouse ( int  x,
int  y,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Press right mouse.
x: int.
y: int.
waitTime: float.

◆ RightReleaseMouse()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.RightReleaseMouse ( float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME)
Release right mouse.
waitTime: float.

◆ RunByHotKey()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.RunByHotKey ( Dict[Tuple[int, int], Callable]  keyFunctions,
Tuple[int, int]   stopHotKey = None,
Tuple[int, int]   exitHotKey = (ModifierKey.ControlKeys.VK_D),
bool   waitHotKeyReleased = True 
Bind functions with hotkeys, the function will be run or stopped in another thread when the hotkey is pressed.
keyFunctions: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Callable], such as {(uiautomation.ModifierKey.Control, uiautomation.Keys.VK_1) : function}
stopHotKey: hotkey tuple
exitHotKey: hotkey tuple
waitHotKeyReleased: bool, if True, hotkey function will be triggered after the hotkey is released

def main(stopEvent):
    while True:
        if stopEvent.is_set(): # must check stopEvent.is_set() if you want to stop when stop hotkey is pressed
        n += 1
    print('main exit')

uiautomation.RunByHotKey({(uiautomation.ModifierKey.Control, uiautomation.Keys.VK_1) : main}
                    , (uiautomation.ModifierKey.Control | uiautomation.ModifierKey.Shift, uiautomation.Keys.VK_2))

◆ RunScriptAsAdmin()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.RunScriptAsAdmin ( List[str]  argv,
str   workingDirectory = None,
int   showFlag = SW.ShowNormal 
Run a python script as administrator.
System will show a popup dialog askes you whether to elevate as administrator if UAC is enabled.
argv: List[str], a str list like sys.argv, argv[0] is the script file, argv[1:] are other arguments.
workingDirectory: str, the working directory for the script file.
showFlag: int, a value in class `SW`.
Return bool, True if succeed.

◆ SendInput()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.SendInput ( inputs)
SendInput from Win32.
input: `INPUT`.
Return int, the number of events that it successfully inserted into the keyboard or mouse input stream.
            If the function returns zero, the input was already blocked by another thread.

◆ SendKey()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.SendKey ( int  key,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Simulate typing a key.
key: int, a value in class `Keys`.

◆ SendKeys()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.SendKeys ( str  text,
float   interval = 0.01,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME,
bool   charMode = True,
bool   debug = False 
Simulate typing keys on keyboard.
text: str, keys to type.
interval: float, seconds between keys.
waitTime: float.
charMode: bool, if False, the text typied is depend on the input method if a input method is on.
debug: bool, if True, print the keys.
{Ctrl}, {Delete} ... are special keys' name in SpecialKeyNames.
SendKeys('{Ctrl}a{Delete}{Ctrl}v{Ctrl}s{Ctrl}{Shift}s{Win}e{PageDown}') #press Ctrl+a, Delete, Ctrl+v, Ctrl+s, Ctrl+Shift+s, Win+e, PageDown
SendKeys('{Ctrl}(AB)({Shift}(123))') #press Ctrl+A+B, type (, press Shift+1+2+3, type ), if () follows a hold key, hold key won't release util )
SendKeys('{Ctrl}{a 3}') #press Ctrl+a at the same time, release Ctrl+a, then type a 2 times
SendKeys('{a 3}{B 5}') #type a 3 times, type B 5 times
SendKeys('{{}Hello{}}abc {a}{b}{c} test{} 3}{!}{a} (){(}{)}') #type: {Hello}abc abc test}}}!a ()()

◆ SendMessage()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.SendMessage ( int  handle,
int  msg,
int  wParam,
int  lParam 
SendMessage from Win32.
Return int, the return value specifies the result of the message processing;
            it depends on the message sent.

◆ SendUnicodeChar()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.SendUnicodeChar ( str  char,
bool   charMode = True 
Type a single unicode char.
char: str, len(char) must equal to 1.
charMode: bool, if False, the char typied is depend on the input method if a input method is on.
Return int, the number of events that it successfully inserted into the keyboard or mouse input stream.
            If the function returns zero, the input was already blocked by another thread.

◆ SetClipboardText()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.SetClipboardText ( str  text)
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.

◆ SetConsoleColor()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.SetConsoleColor ( int  color)
Change the text color on console window.
color: int, a value in class `ConsoleColor`.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.

◆ SetConsoleTitle()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.SetConsoleTitle ( str  text)
SetConsoleTitle from Win32.
text: str.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.

◆ SetCursorPos()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.SetCursorPos ( int  x,
int  y 
SetCursorPos from Win32.
Set mouse cursor to point x, y.
x: int.
y: int.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.

◆ SetDpiAwareness()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.SetDpiAwareness ( bool   dpiAwarenessPerMonitor = True)
Call SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext(Windows 10 version 1607+) or SetProcessDpiAwareness(Windows 8.1+).
You should call this function with True if you enable DPI scaling. uiautomation calls this function when it initializes.
dpiAwarenessPerMonitor: bool.
Return int.

◆ SetForegroundWindow()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.SetForegroundWindow ( int  handle)
SetForegroundWindow from Win32.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.

◆ SetGlobalSearchTimeout()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.SetGlobalSearchTimeout ( float  seconds)
seconds: float.
To make this available, you need explicitly import uiautomation:
    from uiautomation import uiautomation as auto

◆ SetWindowLong()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.SetWindowLong ( int  handle,
int  index,
int  value 
SetWindowLong from Win32.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
index: int.
value: int.
Return int, the previous value before set.

◆ SetWindowPos()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.SetWindowPos ( int  handle,
int  hWndInsertAfter,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
int  flags 
SetWindowPos from Win32.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
hWndInsertAfter: int, a value whose name starts with 'HWND' in class SWP.
x: int.
y: int.
width: int.
height: int.
flags: int, values whose name starts with 'SWP' in class `SWP`.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.

◆ SetWindowText()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.SetWindowText ( int  handle,
str  text 
SetWindowText from Win32.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
text: str.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.

◆ SetWindowTopmost()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.SetWindowTopmost ( int  handle,
bool  isTopmost 
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
isTopmost: bool
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.

◆ ShowDesktop()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.ShowDesktop ( float   waitTime = 1)
Show Desktop by pressing win + d

◆ ShowWindow()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.ShowWindow ( int  handle,
int  cmdShow 
ShowWindow from Win32.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.
cmdShow: int, a value in clas `SW`.
Return bool, True if succeed otherwise False.

◆ SwitchToThisWindow()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.SwitchToThisWindow ( int  handle)
SwitchToThisWindow from Win32.
handle: int, the handle of a native window.

◆ UninitializeUIAutomationInCurrentThread()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.UninitializeUIAutomationInCurrentThread ( )
Uninitialize UIAutomation in a new thread after calling InitializeUIAutomationInCurrentThread.
You must call this function when the new thread exits if you have called InitializeUIAutomationInCurrentThread in the same thread.

◆ WaitForDisappear()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.WaitForDisappear ( Control  control,
float  timeout 
Check if control disappears in timeout seconds.
control: `Control` or its subclass.
timeout: float.
Return bool.

◆ WaitForExist()

bool uiautomation.uiautomation.WaitForExist ( Control  control,
float  timeout 
Check if control exists in timeout seconds.
control: `Control` or its subclass.
timeout: float.
Return bool.

◆ WaitHotKeyReleased()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.WaitHotKeyReleased ( Tuple[int, int]  hotkey)
hotkey: Tuple[int, int], two ints tuple (modifierKey, key)

◆ WalkControl()

def uiautomation.uiautomation.WalkControl ( Control  control,
bool   includeTop = False,
int   maxDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF 
control: `Control` or its subclass.
includeTop: bool, if True, yield (control, 0) first.
maxDepth: int, enum depth.
Yield 2 items tuple (control: Control, depth: int).

◆ WalkTree()

def uiautomation.uiautomation.WalkTree (   top,
Callable[[TreeNode], List[TreeNode]]   getChildren = None,
Callable[[TreeNode], TreeNode]   getFirstChild = None,
Callable[[TreeNode], TreeNode]   getNextSibling = None,
Callable[[TreeNode, int], bool]   yieldCondition = None,
bool   includeTop = False,
int   maxDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF 
Walk a tree not using recursive algorithm.
top: a tree node.
getChildren: Callable[[TreeNode], List[TreeNode]], function(treeNode: TreeNode) -> List[TreeNode].
getNextSibling: Callable[[TreeNode], TreeNode], function(treeNode: TreeNode) -> TreeNode.
getNextSibling: Callable[[TreeNode], TreeNode], function(treeNode: TreeNode) -> TreeNode.
yieldCondition: Callable[[TreeNode, int], bool], function(treeNode: TreeNode, depth: int) -> bool.
includeTop: bool, if True yield top first.
maxDepth: int, enum depth.

If getChildren is valid, ignore getFirstChild and getNextSibling,
    yield 3 items tuple: (treeNode, depth, remain children count in current depth).
If getChildren is not valid, using getFirstChild and getNextSibling,
    yield 2 items tuple: (treeNode, depth).
If yieldCondition is not None, only yield tree nodes that yieldCondition(treeNode: TreeNode, depth: int)->bool returns True.

For example:
def GetDirChildren(dir_):
    if os.path.isdir(dir_):
        return [os.path.join(dir_, it) for it in os.listdir(dir_)]
for it, depth, leftCount in WalkTree('D:\\', getChildren= GetDirChildren):
    print(it, depth, leftCount)

◆ WheelDown()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.WheelDown ( int   wheelTimes = 1,
float   interval = 0.05,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Simulate mouse wheel down.
wheelTimes: int.
interval: float.
waitTime: float.

◆ WheelUp()

None uiautomation.uiautomation.WheelUp ( int   wheelTimes = 1,
float   interval = 0.05,
float   waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME 
Simulate mouse wheel up.
wheelTimes: int.
interval: float.
waitTime: float.

◆ WindowFromPoint()

int uiautomation.uiautomation.WindowFromPoint ( int  x,
int  y 
WindowFromPoint from Win32.
Return int, a native window handle.



string uiautomation.uiautomation.AUTHOR_MAIL = 'yinkaisheng@live.com'

◆ c

uiautomation.uiautomation.c = ctor()

◆ CharacterCodes

dictionary uiautomation.uiautomation.CharacterCodes

◆ children

uiautomation.uiautomation.children = notepad.GetChildren()

◆ ControlConstructors

dictionary uiautomation.uiautomation.ControlConstructors

◆ ControlTypeNames

dictionary uiautomation.uiautomation.ControlTypeNames


bool uiautomation.uiautomation.DEBUG_EXIST_DISAPPEAR = False


bool uiautomation.uiautomation.DEBUG_SEARCH_TIME = False

◆ hello

string uiautomation.uiautomation.hello = '{Ctrl}{End}{Enter}Hello World! 你好世界!'

◆ IsNT6orHigher

int uiautomation.uiautomation.IsNT6orHigher = 6

◆ lp

uiautomation.uiautomation.lp = notepad.GetLegacyIAccessiblePattern()


int uiautomation.uiautomation.MAX_MOVE_SECOND = 1


int uiautomation.uiautomation.MAX_PATH = 260


string uiautomation.uiautomation.METRO_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME = 'Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow'

◆ notepad

uiautomation.uiautomation.notepad = WindowControl(searchDepth=1, ClassName='Notepad')


float uiautomation.uiautomation.OPERATION_WAIT_TIME = 0.5

◆ PatternConstructors

dictionary uiautomation.uiautomation.PatternConstructors

◆ PatternIdNames

dictionary uiautomation.uiautomation.PatternIdNames

◆ ProcessTime

uiautomation.uiautomation.ProcessTime = time.perf_counter

◆ PropertyIdNames

dictionary uiautomation.uiautomation.PropertyIdNames

◆ S_OK

int uiautomation.uiautomation.S_OK = 0


float uiautomation.uiautomation.SEARCH_INTERVAL = 0.5

◆ SpecialKeyNames

dictionary uiautomation.uiautomation.SpecialKeyNames


int uiautomation.uiautomation.TIME_OUT_SECOND = 10

◆ TreeNode

uiautomation.uiautomation.TreeNode = Any

◆ value

uiautomation.uiautomation.value = notepad.GetPropertyValue(k)